The APN Awards is Amazon Web Services’ recognition of the top partners in different regions around the world who in 2020 helped their customers build technology solutions for their organizations, driving digital transformation and innovation using AWS cloud services. The winners of this award have demonstrated practically how it is possible to provide the best experience in the world of cloud computing and turn it into a positive impact on businesses worldwide.

And in this year’s edition, Darede was awarded as the AWS Consulting Partner of the year. This is a proof of the quality of the service provided by the company, which has been working every day since 2013 to transform companies through technological solutions, always appreciating the good service and high level of its professionals.

About the award, the CTO, and co-founder of Darede, Flávio Rescia said: “We are thrilled and very happy with this award, because we work hard every day to provide the best for our customer. We would like to thank our whole team for all their effort and dedication, because without them none of this would be possible. We also thank the people at AWS who provided all the support and gave us all the freedom to do what we love most, provide the best service to our customers”.

CEO and co-founder Muriel Arneiro also thanked everyone about this recognition, “It’s a pride to receive this recognition, so we thank a lot all our team that works night and day, sparing no efforts, to bring the best to our customer. It is also important to thank our customers who believe every day in our project and without them, we would be absolutely nothing. And of course, to AWS that gives us all the conditions to bring the best to our clients, we are very happy with this partnership, and we want you to know that we are just at the beginning of this journey that will be very successful”.

The CMO and one of Darede’s partners, Marcelo Carazato emphasized the total support from AWS for winning this award: “We received this news with a lot of emotion, and this is the result of constant work from our entire team, since the first contact we provide a totally differentiated and personalized service to our customers. Here we look for all the alternatives to provide the best service for them, and for this I am very proud of our team. And I would like to give a special thanks to the people at AWS, because they give us all the conditions to offer the best service, it’s no wonder that the company is the main platform in the world, they really are trusted partners for all times”.
Read the story on the AWS website:


AWS Console-to-Code

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